Technical committee formed to facilitate establishment of Berbera sub-marine fiber-optic cable


By M.A. Egge

A technical committee has been set up to facilitate the establishment of under-sea fiber optic cable being connected to the country.

In a meeting that the Minister of Communication and Technology Hon. Dr. Ahmed Yusuf Idris presided over about bringing the telecommunications cables to the country and connecting them in the country’s networks of telecommunication provider companies, ways and means of having concerted efforts exerted were pondered on.

The meeting was held at the Communications and Technology ministry headquarters with the minister flanked by his Environmental and Climate Change colleague Hon.Shukri Ismael Bandare, hence brought together all the stakeholders in the sector of both in the public and private sectors, top official from the Coastal Guards and also the transport ministry.

Delved upon were issues on how to develop and cooperate with the country’s cable lines, with the ministry working with the communication companies and government departments.

Consensus, which was adopted, resolved to form a technical committee.