Somaliland government to establish national development fund, as it reveals that population has reached 6.2million


By M.A. Egge

The state has revealed that it is planning on establishing a national development fund in 2025.

It has also announced that the population of the country of Somaliland has hit 6.2 million.

Similarly, the government has directed that a committee be formed to put in check the rising numbers of the spates of accidents whose incidences has caused a lot of carnages.

These were part of the resolutions reached during the 127th session of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Somaliland meeting on Thursday which also had their deliberations dwell on the upcoming presidential and political party elections, finance, security issues and also the increasing incidences of road carnages in the country.

According to a press release from the Presidency, the cabinet members analysed various points that are based on how to harmonize the pertinent issues that are being prepared for this year’s elections and the nation’s general plans in terms of finance, security and traffic accidents that are increasing from time to time.

Customarily, the Council of Ministers listened to a general briefing which were given on the security of the country from the Deputy Minister of Interior, who is the acting minister, Hon. Abdullahi Hussein Mohamed, who updated the council on the security situation in the country and in the Horn of the region.

He also informed the cabinet on the ongoing preparations of commemoration of the 34th anniversary of the re-asserting of the independence the Republic of Somaliland on May 18.

Presently there are both intensive and extensive preparations underway within and outside the country to observe the event in elaborate support the cause of Somaliland’s independence.

The council also heard reports from the Ministers of Finance Hon. Dr. Saad Ali Shire, Planning and National development Hon. Ahmed Mohamed Diriye (Toorno), Agricultural Development Hon. Ahmed Mohamed Habbane and Health Hon. Hassan Mohamed Ali (Hasan Gaafadi) on general updates of the dockets that they are charged with and their expected plans in the course of the year.

After lengthy deliberations the council issued important points related to the interests of the nation and members of the public as whole, which were: –

  1. To establish a national development fund from 2025, with the procedure to be managed jointly by the ministry of financial development and that of planning and national development.
  2. The council reinforces the previous decisions that came out of the previous meetings that related that the development projects that the Republic of Somaliland receives from the international community should not be passed by proxy to any other entity but directly to it.
  3. The number of people living in the Republic of Somaliland is currently at 6.2 million hence the government is working steadfastly to provide them with comprehensive services.
  4. That urgent legal action should be taken on the repeated issues that cause traffic accidents whose carnages has been causing rampant loss of life and property to the country and the people, by appointing a committee composed of the Ministry of Transport and Road Development and the relevant security agencies to delve into it with the aim of combating it.