Over five thousand temporary teachers to undergo proficiency exams


By M.A. Egge

The Ministry of Education and Science and the Public Service Organization jointly announced that 5,221 temporary teachers will undertake proficiency exams with the aim of absorbing the best 600 as permanent staffers.

Of the 5221 employees who will take the exams, 4,859 are to remain teachers whereby the remaining 362 will be the employees within the ministry.

The Chairman of the Civil Service Commission Mr. Khalid Jama Qodax, spoke about the requirements and procedures for the recruitment of public school teachers and educational staff, and urged them to complete all the requirements related to entering the exam.

The Minister of Education Hon. Ahmed Mohamed Diriye (Toorno), said that the workers were on temporary basis, and noted that they will be distributed to the districts.

The minister stood firm that educational centers and places cannot hire temporary workers, and said that the decree issued by the President of Somaliland will be implemented in absorbing all workers.


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