National Trees Planting Day Marked Countrywide


Ministry of environment and climate change marked the national trees planting day at its headquarters in Hargeisa.

The event which is held annually on 15th April encourages afforestation to counter the phenomenon of climate change.

According to the environment ministry the objective of trees planting is to senstitize the  population the  importance of environmental conservation in national development.

Government of Somaliland has made it a priority through a policy paper in 2018. The president H.E Musa Bihi Abdi kick started the national trees planting day in the same year. This is the sixth year the country has held the planting exercise.

The theme of the event was “Let protect our land” it was graced by top officials ministry of environment and staff.

Addressing the participants the director of plants and pasture Mr.Ahmed Ibrahim Warsame (Ahmed Haji) stated that this year the ministry plans to distribute 3.4 million trees to all regions of the country. He urged the people to collect the trees from ministry of environment offices in their areas.

Director General at the ministry Mr Mohamed Abdillahi Dua’le speaking to the media informed the importance of this day for public awareness and mobilisation of the masses to participate in the protection of the environment from the forces of nature through planting of trees.

Minister of Environment and climate change Mrs.Shugri Haji Ismael (Baandare) who closed the event confirmed the necessity of environmental conservation. She said her ministry has prioritized conservation through tree planting .

The minister warned charcoal traders and burners not to cut down indigenous trees and only use acacia trees for charcoal.

Minister Shugri revealed those found flouting the directive will be prosecuted.



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