Lasanod and Borama Municipal Councils Commence Campaign to Open Closed Roads


THT-The municipality of Lasanod has started a campaign to open closed roads. This follows a public outcry by residents. The municipal executive chairman and a group of councillors initiated the process. According to our sources, bulldozers and heavy-duty trucks were on the ground demolishing structures built on roads reserves.

The campaign started at Sayidka district and is expected to cover all boroughs of the town. Many foundations of houses built on roads reserves and others that had been acquired illegally were destroyed.

Speaking to journalists, the district commissioner of Sayidka said that he welcomes this undertaking of decluttering the overcrowded town.

The campaign started at Samale estate and is expected to cover the whole Sayidka district and other suburbs of the town.


In another development, the municipality of Borama has started a campaign for a new blueprint of urban planning. Briefing the press in Borama town the coordinator of ministry of environment for Awdal region Mr.Abdiwahab Hussein Mumin confirmed that the town environs is rapidly expanding, hence the need to make sure this happens in a planned manner.

Borama town inhabitants welcomed the ministry of environment and the local municipal council move to open new roads reserves and urban planning of Awdal region.

By: Guled Abdi Mahir


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