Somaliland Journalists Association elects new leadership.


THT-The 7th General Assembly of Somaliland Journalists Association (SOLJA) has elected a new Board of Directors, Chairman, Deputy Chairman and Secretary-General in the next 3 three years 2021 – 2023.

The Somaliland Minister of Information on Wednesday opened the 7th General Assembly of Somaliland Journalists Association and promised that the government ready to cooperation with SOLJA, accourding to Horn diplomat.

“On behalf of the government, we are ready for the cooperation with SOLJA and development of the media in Somaliland” Minister of Ministry of information, Culture & National Guidance Suleiman Yusuf Ali kore.

Meanwhile, Mustafe Sa’ad Dhimbiil former chairman of Somaliland None state Actors Forum SONSAF who was an observer from the GA acknowledged the transparency , and how democratic the election was organized.

The General Assembly which was held in Ambassador Hotel Hargeisa, three out of the fifteen Board Members elected were women which was 2/15 on the prior BoD.

The board members elected Chairman Sakariya Ahmed Muhumed. Abdilahi Hussein Darwiish is elected as the deputy chairman, and Mohamed Ahmed Muse is the new secretary-general.

SOLJA Board of Directors elected are as follows;

Sakariye Ahmed Muhumed (chairman)

Abdillaahi Husein Darwiish (Deputy chairman)

Mohamed Muse Kurase (Secretary)

Muna Ibrahim Dhakhtar

Rahma Abdillahi Meigag

Muna  Mohamoud Toosane

Abdifatah Ismail Mursal

Abdiqadir Nuur Dacar

Carraale Mohamoud Jama

Ibrahim Farax Macaaneeye.

Abdi Hasan Abdi

Ridwan Aydiid Ismail

Mohamed Farah coomaade

Faisal Mohamed Aden (Fifa)

Hamse Ali Bulbul


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