President hails the SNAF on the occasion of their 31st Anniversary


By M.A. Egge

The President of the Republic who is the Commander-in-Chief of the Somaliland National Armed forces hailed and sent his heartfelt congratulatory greetings to the personnel, servicemen and servicewomen of the of the National Armed forces on the occasion of their 31st Anniversary since its inception on the 2nd of February three decades ago.

The Head of State’s messge was as follows:-

To the heroes of the National Armed Forces, men and women, I send you and your families my heartfelt congratulations and prayers on the occasion of the 31st anniversary of the founding of the National Forces.

Brothers and sisters,

You are the soldiers and the soldiers who sacrificed their lives and souls for the defense, safety, existence and preservation of the security and stability that our nation of Somaliland enjoys today.

You are the ones who made it possible for us to sleep in peace, to engage in trade and commerce, for our children and youth to go to education without worry. You are the ones who made it possible for us to hold elections and for the democratic process to take place in our country.


For more than 30 years, you have been and will be the core of the construction of the Somaliland Nation, and you have given immeasurable blood and sacrifice, and without you our Blessed Nation would not have reached where it is today.


Every citizen of Somaliland deserves respect and dignity that will never fade. The government I lead is committed to caring for you and your families in terms of life and development. I urge you to increase your efforts, dedication, vigilance and defense of our Nation.