Police Chief Inspects City Police Cells in Hargeisa Stations


By M.A. Egge

The National Police Chief, Major General Mohamed Adan Saqadi (Daba-gale), inspected some of the police stations in the capital Hargeisa, to check the general condition of the police work and the suspects held in the cells of the police stations.

During his inspection tours, the commander listened to a report from the prisoners, and also directed the officers and detectives at the stations to provide efficient service and general welfare of the incarcerated.

He ordered that they should be shown justice and handled humanely with care.

He had a rapport with those in the police cells who were candid enough to speak with him freely on their plight and associated cases.

He directed that their general welfare should be taken into account and treated fairly.

This inspection tour by the police chief comes at a time when a new administration is taking over in the country following the triumph of the WADDANI party and its flag-bearer Dr. Abdirahman Irro coming in as the next President of the Republic of Somaliland, succeeding his predecessor the incumbent President Musa Bihi.

It is indeed a time where vigilance takes precedence and security is bolstered.