Private telecommunications companies and TV stations given ultimatum to pay taxes


By M.A. Egge

The Ministries of Finance, Communications and the Police have jointly sent a message to the Telecommunications Companies and Independent TVs.

They jointly sent the message to the institutions instructing them to pay the sales tax and airwaves, which is a tax that is due on the sale of services and communication and broadcasting by independent television stations. .

They were given ultimatum to pay within a couple of days, given the end year timeline.

They said that those who do not comply with the orders will be brought before the law.

A statement on the matter read, “The major telecommunications companies that owe the airwaves taxes and GST taxes, and the independent televisions that owe the airwaves and licenses, should pay them within two days, since the year is over.

“Honorably pay the tax you owe, after that the legal system will be dealt with” END.