NEC starts voter cards distribution in readiness for upcoming elections


By M.A. Egge

“After the month of June, let the elections be prepared – the National Electoral Commission.”

The Somaliland National Electoral Commission (NEC) has started the distribution of voter cards in three regions of the country starting from the 31st of May 2023.

The NEC also announced the holding of the upcoming elections was in the process hence advised the citizenry, and stakeholders for that matter, to prepare themselves for the exercises.

The NEC noted that upon completion of the voter cards distribution, their main remaining task will therefore be the holding of the elections.

In highlighting the facts was the spokesperson of the NEC, Commissioner Abdiaziz Hirsi Warsame emphasized that preparations will be made for the elections after the month of June at a function to kick off the cards distribution in Borama, Awdal.

He urged the potential voters to safeguard their voting cards and keep them safely.

“A person should not lose his card because of a mistake made by the commission, but because of a mistake made by the person him/herself”, he said.

He called on organizations, parties, the government, the public or other stakeholders to be prepared in readiness for the forthcoming elections.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of the National Electoral Commission, Mr. Musa Hassan Yusuf revealed that their institution was distributing 387, 674 cards.

He explained that the numbers consisted of the newly registered potential voters, those who lost theirs and are having them replaced, and lastly, those who were replacing cards owing to change of residences or polling stations.

“The cards are being distributed regionally and locally, we must all participate so that these cards do not return to the commission”, he urged.

The distribution is slated to be completed in 10 days hence commences with Awdal, Sanaag and Sahil regions.


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