Edna reappointed as Somaliland-Somalia Talks envoy


By M.A. Egge

The President H.E. Musa Bihi Abdi has reappointed Lady Edna Adan as the nation’s envoy to the stalled Somaliland-Somalia Talks.

A circular from the President’s office on Tuesday noted the Head of State deeming the importance of resuscitating the Talks hence saw it fit to re-appoint Lady Edna for the task as per Article 90 of the constitution.

“When I saw Article 90 of the Constitution, I was convinced of the importance of restarting the talks between Somaliland and Somalia”, said the decree.

It added, “Having considered the period that she was the special envoy of Somaliland in charge of the talks with Somalia, I decided to re-appoint Edna Adan Ismail to be the envoy of Somaliland in charge of the Talks with Somalia”.

It is worth noting that this reappointment comes exactly a fortnight after the President of Somalia on April 3, 2023 appointed Abdikarim Hussein Guled as the special envoy in charge of the said Talks between Somalia and Somaliland.


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