The umbrella of political organizations calls for support of Somaliland National Army


The umbrella of the Somaliland political organizations has called for the supporting of the Somaliland national forces that are defending the country from the allied groups that invaded the city of Lasaanood.

In a statement issued by the Somaliland Political Association on the situation in Lasaanood City, it was said that the integrity of the national territory cannot be negotiated nor violated.

A statement issued by the Somaliland Political Organizations Association, reads as follows:-

“A large conference that was held on Tuesday 7-03-2023 by the Somaliland Political Organizations Association held at the Mega Plaza Hotel, Hargeisa had all 10 Political Organizations that make up the umbrella.

It took stock of the present situation and the circumstances in the country and especially the battle of Lascaanod were extensively analyzed. After much discussion, the Federation of Organizations jointly issued the following resolutions:

1). Located within latitude 8o to 110 30′ North and Longitude 42′ 45′ 49′ East; and its boundaries consist of land, islands, regional waters, land and seas, airspace and coastlines (Continental shelf).

2- The Republic of Somaliland shares a border with the northern side of the Gulf of Aden; Somalia on the east and South and on the West the Federal Republic of Ethiopia; on the North West side is the Republic of Djibouti.

3- National land is sacred; and they can not violated.

2) The umbrella of organizations believes that the territorial integrity of the nation is non-negotiable.

3) The umbrella organizations believe that there is no reason to fight in a crowded city where children, elderly people and women are present while they opt for dialogue.

4) The umbrella organizations call on the Federal Government of Somalia to clarify their position on the generals of their army who are instigating the conflict and fighting in Lasaanod, which include the former commander of the Somali Police, the commander of the navy and the commander of the land forces.

5) The umbrella organization also calls on the government of the Republic of Kenya, to clarify their position on senior officials of their government, who are deliberately fueling the conflict in Lascanod, and destroying the unity of the people of the Republic of Somaliland, including a former Deputy Speaker of Kenyan Parliament.

6) The Political Association of the Republic of Somaliland is calling on the Government, businesses, local and international charities to provide immediate aid to the displaced residents of Lasaanod.

7) Finally, the umbrella organization calls on the government, legislative councils, scholars, businessmen, traditional leaders, intellectuals and friends of Somaliland to cooperate with the national forces against the allied forces that want to set fire to the country. The End.

Eng. Hamse Hassan Ahmed Secretary and Liaison of the Organization’s umbrella.


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