Parliamentary Speaker Counsels Country’s Leaders


THT-The Speaker of the House of Representatives Hon. Abdirizak Khalif Ahmed has requested the president take wise counsel asked the Head of State to solve the country problems through his pragmatic experience.

He urged the opposition to follow the right channels whenever they have issues with the government instead of negative and unconstructive criticisms.

The Speaker of parliament said, “It is prudent that those the president take counsel from are people of integrity. His decisions should be based on wisdom hence reflect upon the situations on the ground. They should also be people who whenever the head of state make which may be deemed as not apt, seek appropriate ways and means of rectifying it.”

He asked  the opposition to stop chastisize the country leaders with false accusations. He told them to follow the proper ways to address the country’s problems instead of sowing discord.

He went on to say “I have overheard many leaders addressing the public with accusations and criticism of other leaders.”


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