Government performance presented to the nation by the Ministry of Finance


THT-Minister of Finance Dr. Saad Ali Shire said the government has managed as per guidelines the 2021 budget and has invested in all 103 planned projects.

Dr. Saad who was speaking at a function meant to present to the nation the government performance for the previous year, elaborated on the data contained in the booklet presented.

It consists of 120 pages and covers the performances of 37 organizations.

“In the 2021 budget we have invested in 103 projects, among others, for health and education and general infrastructure hence we have succeeded to fund 2% of Eastern Regions in seven projects’, said the finance chief.

He noted further achievements made by the government, such as making inventory of the overall national assets, facilitate traders in making financial accounting at the end of the year to determine the pros and cons of their tax liability and also assisted in the establishment of an accountants’ union for that matter.

Minister Sa’ad stated that the government has been working hard to fight inflation and avert the shilling value diminishing. He said that in the current year “we plan to create up to 50 million tax breaks to encourage industrial, agricultural and fisheries production plus productivity general investments”.

Numerous speakers at the event urged the audience and the Somaliland community at large to read the booklet and personally acknowledge the developmental strides taken.


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