Mogadishu’s Irresponsible Administration Continues to Politicize Somaliland Development


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Wednesday, expressed grave concern on Villa Somalia’s continued politicization of Somaliland development projects an foreign direct investment.

His Excellency the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Professor Yassin Haji Mohamoud Hiir ‘Faratoon’, speaking to the BBC’s Somali section, wondered why Somali keeps attempts to throw stumbling blocks at Somaliland development projects since it has zero jurisdiction or influence over the Republic of Somaliland.

Minister Faratoon was responding to caustic and derogatory statements the Somalia Minister for Foreign Affairs, Ahmed Awad, made, particularly, against a massive, long-term investment UAE ports manager/developer – DP World – started at the Somaliland Red Sea port of Berbera in 2017.

التلفزيون العربي


وزير الخارجية الصومالي أحمد عيسى عوض: نريد أن نخلق علاقات جيدة مع الجوار والعالم كله @MinisterMOFA

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Minister Awad, on two separate sittings, spoke his mind about the on-going Somaliland development projects to Al Arabia TV (Tuesday) and the BBC (Wednesday), itself.

The Mogadishu Minister called the DP World presence in Somaliland a ‘violation of Somalia’s sovereignty and unity’ on both occasions. He argued that since the projects did not come through Mogadishu, they were – to Villa Somalia – an affront and illegal.

Minister Awad, on the same breath, admitted that thwarting development in Somaliland infracted upon the afore-reached understanding between the two Somaliland and Somalia sides while the talks between the two lasted.

Grilled into a tight corner by the BBC, specifically, Minister could not justify why his government chose this late day to resuscitate the tussle with Somaliland over development issues or why Mogadishu kept pretending it had a role on with whom Somaliland partnered with or on what areas.

“Somalia had no role at the understanding the Republic of Somaliland had with the United Arab Emirates at time of inception of the DP World investment portfolio nor does it have one now or ever,” Minister Faratoon declared.

The Minister stated that since Mogadishu had zero influence on Somaliland affairs, it was not only foolhardy but downright stupid to continue weaving make-belief, fictitious roles for God knows whose benefit.

“It is utterly irresponsible that the Minister and his boss the President keep professing readiness to talk common issues with Somaliland and, at the same time, leave no stone unturned to block development financing in the Republic of Somaliland,” he said.

“Only as two independent nations talking of issues of mutual interest to the two nations would talks between Somaliland and Somalia resume,” Professor Hiir emphasized talking of how future relations and resumed talks between the two sides will look like.

It was only yesterday that the Republic of Somaliland pointedly called the Somalia bluff by daring it to prove it otherwise in response to Minister Awad’s Al Arabia interview.

In an Arabic statement which the Ministry of Somaliland released, it pointed out the continued, futile attempts to stop development schemes in Somaliland on the part of Mogadishu ‘will increase the level of hostility and hatred between Somaliland and Somalia’.

“The Republic of Somaliland is an independent country with no relationship with Somalia, and at present, there is no misunderstanding or negotiations going on between the Republic of Somaliland and Somalia as the Mogadishu administration continues to demonstrate that it is neither a responsible government nor one that is sincere about a  fruitful outcome of talks between the two countries,” the statement said.

The statement reiterated the re-affirmed sovereignty of the republic since 1991 which restated the internationally recognized independence of 1960 which Somaliland sacrificed for a Greater Somali Republic dream which – incidentally – Mogadishu was not keen on at the time.

Dr. Abdiqani Egal@cigaalkale

Somaliland’s case of independence is a dissolution of a union rather then secession. It will be a reversion to previous borders rather than creating new ones,: international community has previously been accepted in similar cases such as the breakup of Czechoslovakia &Yugoslavia.

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“The Somaliland Republic expressly declares to the sisterly United Arab Emirates, to all the member states of the League of Arab States and to the whole world, that the independence of the Somaliland Republic is an irreversible decision, and that the people of the Somaliland Republic are determined to continue the pursuit of their just cause regardless of its cost or time it takes,” it said.

The Emirates through DP World made what it thought of Somalia’s gimmicks regarding imagined roles on Somaliland issues before.

Bashe Omar@BasheOmar

Sultan Ahmed bin Sulayem
CEO of DP World “The government of somaliland is a sovereign state and is committed to invest in developing the economy and creating jobs for its people
The Gov of Somaliland along with the leadership of Ethiopia and DPWORLD management are committed in

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Public outcry against the unabashed claims of the fragile, international community-guarded administration in Mogadishu did not stop there. People expressed their opinions of what they thought of Villa Somalia jealousies – and their gratitude to the UAE FDI initiatives, too –  mostly on Tweets.

Dr_Amiir mohamed@amiirberbera

Angry remarks from Minister Awad @MinisterMOFA Somalia. Somalilanders Respond to the Real Performance of our Brothers UAE and thank them for their contributions. Also
The relationship between the Republic of Somaliland and the UAE it is ancient@ssulayem @musebiihi

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MUSTAFA AHMED@MustafaAhmed42

If Somalia was in a position of strength, they would have strangled Somaliland to death by any means necessary.

If someone says to you, you can’t live, breathe and proposer, you should take them seriously and even go on the offensive to make sure that threat is neutralised. 

Ibrahim Abdi@IbrahimAbdi20

When will President Bihi stop playing to the public gallery&come out clear on the issues surrounding #UAE & @DP_World projects? This is Somalia’s foreign Minister insisting that they still have faith in the diplomatic channels to stop #UAE implementing unapproved projects.

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Ismael Shirwac@ismael_shirwac

@DP_World has offended us ” The Foreign minister of Somalia said.

Visibly, their biggest offence is to see Somaliland getting International investments, Developing it’s infrastructure and creating jobs for it’s youth.

This is pure enmity & we r ready to defend our country.

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Abdirashid Ibrahim@cabdirashed

Grateful to the @uaegov & @DP_World’s investment 2 Berbera port, a huge infrastructure investment that made very jealous to our neighboring country of Somalia. rises & Berbera port will become a Multi-purpose facility 2 serve as an additional hub in the Horn of Africa

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Mohamed Barawani@MohamedBarawani

Farmajo and Awad need to learn history. Somalilanders were so keen on creating a greater Somali Republic in the Horn in 1960, this dream failed, however, those clapping in the Villasomalia to sanction Somaliland development are cowards and never imitate such history.

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