Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources showcase the use of Biomass Technology to the Public


By Goth Mohamed Goth

A well-attended ceremony was held today at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources to showcase the use of Biomass technology as an alternative form of cheap and ecofriendly source of energy.

The Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Hon Hussein Abdi Dualeh speaking during the unveiling of the biogas project said, “The biomass enormous potential for endless generation of waste-derived energy. Biogas typically refers to a gas produced through fermentation of biodegradable material such as biomass, manure, sewage, green waste, plant material and crops. Organic waste such as dead plant material, as well as animal and food remains can also be used.

Hon Hussein Abdi Dualeh added, “The immediate use of biogas as a household energy source will also act as an affordable source of energy for low income families, this system harnesses its capabilities as an eco-friendly fuel source. And, of course, widespread use of this and other forms of biogas would likely diminish the amount of deforestation for the purpose of producing charcoal.

The Assistant Minister of Environment and Rural Development Ahmed Mahmoud Nur speaking during the function said, “The Ministry of Environment welcomes the use of such technology such as Biogas as an alternative to cooking with firewood or charcoal.

Eng. Abdulla Abdurrahman Yassin, one of the innovators responsible for the constructing biogas tanks said, “I am glad to be here today to demonstrate this technology which has been locally developed by Somalilanders, the biogas tanks you see here today have being made by homemade materials . The initiative will pave way for effective transfer of knowledge and skills to local artisans and models can be easily adopted and applied on a wide scale to solve the current energy crisis in the country on a permanent and sustainable basis.

Through the project, the innovators of the Biogas tanks have also developed a mobile miniature biogas digester for public education and awareness.

Also speaking during the function were the State Minister for Energy and Minerals Dr. Mohamed Farah Dualeh , the Director General in the Ministry of Energy and Minerals Hon Said Ahmed Jibril and the Director of Energy Department Mr. Saleban Abdullah Farah.


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