President Silanyo Encats the Enivromental Protection Law


President Ahmed Mohamed Mahmoud Silanyo has today issued a presidential directive # JSL/M/WM/222-2689/092014 environmental protection laws

Presidential Decree

To: Government Ministries Centers

To: State Agencies (Parastals) Centers

To: Region and Zone Centers

To: Municipal Centers

To: The various services of the armed forces Centers

Re: Environmental Protection Law


Gentlemen and Ladies,


Our environment is essential for the overall wellbeing of the society, and to the care of the natural resources and this depends on the special priority to the protection and safeguarding of the environment


In Accordance:  Act 18, Section 1 A of the constitution of the republic of Somaliland which states that the government shall give special consideration in safeguarding the environment,  Therefore, the care of and (the combating of) the damage to the environment shall be determined by law.


In Accordance: Act #4/98; Environmental protection and desertification laws


After seeing the need:  The contents of the proposal by the Minister of Environment and Rural Development;


After Deducing:                The need to uphold the government conversation and management of pasture lands and the protection of forests;


After Acknowledging:   The urgent need to introduce legislative measures which counter and deter all Hazardous or Harmful Substance which are produced industrial wastes and by may pose direct harm to the environment;


After putting into consideration: its responsibility of the government to demolish all buildings illegaly fenced lands on.

Therefore, I do hereby order all concerned state agencies to work hand in hand so as to put into force these law, I hope they shall all execute their responsibilities as required.

On the other hand we do remind fellow citizens of Somaliland of the duty to safeguard the environment.

By Goth Mohmaed Goth


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