The President assures the National Electoral Commission that the Elections will be held on time


By M.A. Egge

The President of the Republic of Somaliland, H.E. Abdirahman Mohamed Abdillahi Irro has assured the nation once again that the forthcoming elections of both parliamentary and civic ones would be held as scheduled.

The Head of State reiterated his assurance as held a significant meeting with the National Electoral Commission (NEC) on Monday.

The VP H.E. Mohamed Ali Abdi was present t the meeting.

It is worth noting that time and again past subsequent elections had hiccups as far as timing was concerned, more often than not the causative issues being political other than technical.

To this end, the President had pledged severally during his campaigns that he would see to it that the electioneering processes are not curtailed, hampered or postponed unnecessarily ever again.

Now, the incumbent President has just unequivocally now stated that he expects the elections to be timely held.

He made the statement as he met the NEC officials to the Presidency and told them to go ahead with their duties hence providing a road map for the forthcoming elections due on the 31st of May 2026.

The Commission provided the President with a general report on the progress of the activities of the NEC.. The commission informed the President that they had concluded an in-depth study related to the review of the past elections (Post Election Review) and recommendations on issues that needed to be corrected.

They also discussed with the President the preparation of the finances for the upcoming elections.

The President commended the NEC for implementing the just past contentious and crucial presidential elections held in the country three months ago.

The President pointed out that the NEC had shown diligence, responsibility, maturity and perseverance in their duties which led to the responsibility of the Presidential elections ending in success.

He told them to review and study any errors and challenges that emerged from the past elections, how to overcome and correct them such that challenges in the future may be well addressed.

He assured them that no more unnecessary postponements would recur hence stated that the elections ought to be held as scheduled.