Ministry of Religious Affairs Presents Its Next Five-Year Plan


By M.A. Egge

The Ministry of Religious Affairs and Endowments of Somaliland has presented its development plan for the next five years, which is based on the priority needs of the ministry.

The presentation of the plan, which the ministry will work on for the next five years, was presided over by the minister who was accompanied by the director general of the ministry, Khalid Ibrahim Hassan (Oday), directors of the ministry’s departments, and other officials.

The plan was based on ensuring that religious and endowment services reflect the needs of the community and the future of the country.

The Minister Sh. Mohamed Haji Aden Elmi, officially launched the unveiling of the action plan in which he played a leading role in the efforts to realize it. Regular consultations were held with various stakeholders in religious and endowment matters over time.

It focused on, among other things, the development of Islamic religious institutions: improving mosques, madrasas and other places of worship to facilitate the community in learning about Islam.

The plan also includes the administration of endowments, which aims to reform the administration of endowment assets, to ensure that they are used for the general interests of the community.

It was also stated that the plan includes raising awareness of the Islamic religion, creating campaigns and educational programs to educate the community, especially the youth.

Strengthening International Relations: Somaliland should participate in international conferences and forums on religious and endowment issues, and monitoring and evaluating, establishing a mechanism to ensure the implementation and success of the plan.

On the other hand, Minister Mohamed Haji Aden Elmi was highly praised for the leadership and transparency he brought to the ministry, serving to set a vision that can guide the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Endowments for years.