National Armed Forces cautions against false claims about serviceman, warns culprits to desist from propagating fake news


By M.A. Egge

The command of the National Army has cautioned of fake news being circulated about Somaliland servicemen presently undergoing training in Ethiopia have had mishaps befall hence sternly warned those behind the allegations to desist from it immediately.

The military headquarters not only scoffed at and retorted to the allegations but warned the culprits that stern action would be taken against those peddling the lies.

The members of the public have also been assured by the strength of a press release that all the service men in training are safe and sound and that the claims were a mere flimsy and baseless lies being peddled.

A statement from the National Armed Forces press office circulated to the media on Friday read as “follows:

The command of the Somaliland National Army assures all the people of Somaliland that there is nothing true about the news concerning the Somaliland servicemen who are undergoing military training Ethiopia, hence they are safely and soundly undertaking their training programmes.

“The command of the National Army is warning all people who spread lies and wrong information about the National Army to refrain from it forthwith; otherwise, they will be subjected to legal actions taken against them”. END.

The statement from the military headquarters follows the fake news and propaganda spread and peddled in the social media claiming that the Somaliland servicemen currently undergoing military training in Ethiopia has had mishaps fallen upon them.