PVPV police unit established by Ministry of Religion and Endowments


By M.A. Egge

The Ministry of Religion and Endowments of Somaliland has created a Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vices (PVPV) police unit to fight against the uncouth social behavioral tendencies and misdemeanors that are against the basic tenets of the Islamic religious regulations.

The new police unit will work with the ministry and the PVPV committee which in essence preaches and propagates the promotion of good virtue and the total prevention of vices such as consumption and transactions of narcotics or alcohol, usage of illicit drugs and unbecoming and illegal public behaviour such as prostitution and associated social ills.

The establishing of the unit was announced by the Minister of Religion and Endowment of the Republic of Somaliland Sheikh Mohamed Haji Aden Elmi, who has just notified the members of the public that this unit will work in all cities, town and rural centers countrywide.

He called on the populaces to support the cause and be ambassadors of PVPV hence always propagate goodness while shunning evil tendencies hence work with the unit as much as possible as promoters.

“Everyone should report any crime they see and, cooperate with the agencies that are working on it”, he said.