President pledges implementation of the bilateral MoU with Ethiopia


By M.A. Egge

The President of the Republic of Somaliland H.E. Musa Bihi Abdi, has emphasized that the agreement between Somaliland and Ethiopia will be enforced.

He also spoke about the slaying of the ICAO official in Mogadishu who happens to be a Somalilander, and the raging debate over Somaliland airspace management.

The Head of State made the statement in a speech that touched on various aspects as he addressed a UK Somaliland diaspora soccer team that paid him a courtesy call at the Presidency on Wednesday.

The President spoke clearly about the agreement between the Republic of Somaliland and Ethiopia stating that he is seeing to it that it is that the sad MoU has to be implemented since it is based on the best interests of both nations and has been well thought of.

He said, “It is the first time that we have by our side a great African nation that has boldly come out to support our aspirations and acknowledging our sovereignty”.

He underscored that when it comes to international relations as far as cooperation is concerned, each and every nation as an entity charts its own future as per the needs and interests of its aspirations.

In this context, the president noted that what the country lusts for is what it achieved, as a defacto state, which justifiably need a dejure status with the great African nation opening the doors hence the expected reciprocal move to lease the sea port.

He noted that with such chance beckoning it was imperative that the nation of Somaliland move ahead with the execution of the aspects of the MoU for it to be implemented and the nation be truly independently free at last.

He reminded the audience that the gestures of reciprocity are the international norms and tenets hence no country dishes out charities anyhow.

He said that it was in such connection that he has boldly taken to the move and is seeing to it that it goes on unhindered and is implemented.

The president spoke about the reaction of the leader of Somalia to the agreement, and said that he (Hassan) cannot hold sway the implementation of the agreement whatsoever.

He said, “the vitriolic statements that has come out of the Italian controlled protectorate in Mogadishu has made it vividly plain and clear the uncalled for animosity that they always haboured about Somaliland”.

He said that the perpetual claim that Somalia has repeated ‘rule’ Somaliland has always been naïve and untenable propaganda that deserves the contempt it exudes.

He pointed out, “Since I signed the MoU with Ethiopia Hassan Sheikh (Somalia president) has at least spoken 31 times at different forums while spewing derogatory words towards the entity and nationhood of Somaliland and I bluntly told him that his desire to be party to the MoU as a signatory was not binding since it did not concern them at all for we were two different nations and entities”.

He reminded the youthful audience of the sufferings the people of Somaliland endured under the regime of the infamous union with the south who perpetrated genocide against the nation.

The animosity emanating from Somalia now is not only a reminiscent of the past horrors but, can be seen, as continuation of the same.

As concerns the brutal killing of ICAO official Abdinasir Musa Dahable from Somaliland in Mogadishu, the president blamed President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud personally for the horrible slaying of the victim.

He charged, “Hassan, the murder of the man from Somaliland in Mogadishu is your responsibility, we do not accept the fact that it was perpetrated by young boys nor we accept the arresting of his fellow young compatriots as suspects; you cannot be the apprehender, judge, jury and the executioner all in one for something we hold you personally as your legacy”.

The president wondered why the Somalia leadership fraternity intertwines Somaliland sovereignty with the exacerbation of al Shabaab movement.

He called on the International Community not to be hoodwinked by the lies, and if anything, he pointed out that the international recognition of Somaliland, if anything, would bolster the security of the region.

The president was convictional that the country of Somaliland will not be swayed but will manage its airspace as justified just as it will pursue its aspirations and that of the people of the nation.