Ethiopia-Somaliland MoU complies with int’l law, principles and customs: Envoy


Ambassador Samuel Isa, Ethiopia’s Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations, delivered a statement at the Third South Summit of the Group of G77 and China, which was held in Kampala, Uganda, with the theme “leaving no one behind.”

Ambassador Samuel emphasized the growing importance of South-South and Triangular Cooperation in addressing the complex and interconnected challenges that developing countries face.

He emphasized the group’s collective voice as transformational and transgenerational, adding that the current global architecture is neither inclusive nor participatory and needs to be reformed.

On the domestic front, he emphasized Ethiopia’s impressive achievements in all development areas, particularly agricultural transformation and food self-sufficiency through national wheat production initiatives.

With regards to fighting climate change, he highlighted the Green Legacy initiative and its remarkable achievements.

Wide-ranging domestic reforms implemented since 2018 that have resulted in significant progress were highlighted as the primary achievements of a global south country, according to Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

He emphasized that the Memorandum of Understanding signed by Ethiopia and Somaliland complies with fundamental international laws, principles, and customs, including maritime law.

“This purely economic agreement is intended to benefit the citizens of both parties, resulting in peaceful engagement, dialogue, and a win-win partnership that promotes regional peace and prosperity,” he stated.

The summit concluded with the adoption of the 3rd South Summit Kampala Outcome Document.