The agreements entered by Somaliland and Ethiopia come into force pending pre-requisite legalities and it doesn’t concern Somalia at all, says Minister Ali Marehan


By M.A. Egge

Somaliland’s Minister of Information Hon. Ali Hassan Mohamed (Ali-Mareehan), said that Somalia cannot change anything about the agreement that Somaliland enters into with the Ethiopian government.

He pointed out that every time Somaliland enters into an agreement with another country or an international institution Somalia becomes fussy without any justification.

Minister Ali Marehean gave the sentiments during a BBC Somali Friday Debate program which he participated in. other participants were the Minister of Information of Somalia, and a legal official.

Minister Ali Marehaan, who was responding legally to Somalia’s inability to do anything about the agreement reached by Somaliland and Ethiopia, replied, “The lawyer only gave the sentiments of Hassan Sheikh Mohamud which testates further in our favour that Somalia always cries foul when we enter any international agreements”.

He gave the example of the fortunate accord struck with the DP World of the UAE which they vehemently rejected to their chagrin but was successfully implemented since.

Continuing his speech, he said, “Their Parliament made decisions, they ran to the United Nations Security Council, but that move did not change the decision.”

In terms of legality, he argued that for Somalia to claim a stake they have to own the land and rule the people they area but in reality they hold no sway over Somaliland whatsoever.

On the other hand, Minister Ali Marehaan argued that there are no major governments in the world, or international organizations that have publicly declared that the agreement between Somaliland and Ethiopia is illegal.

He said, “This agreement has not been opposed by major governments and international organizations. The issues raised was of diplomatic inclinations that urged and called for sanity to prevail.

He pointed out that Somalia had leased their ports and gave foreign military bases places to occupy without consultations to any other powers, a fact that is similar to Somaliland’s justifiable cause to chart its way forward.

Somaliland’s Minister of Information also said that this agreement will come into force after the legal process entailed is executed. “This agreement will be fulfilled as it was entered”.

He accused Somalia of perpetually reneging on the points in talks agreed upon and in this case have no any iota of right over Somaliland at all.