Cabinet in preparations for Somaliland National Economic Forum 2023


By M.A. Egge

The Economic Committee of the Cabinet held a meeting yesterday on the preparation process for this year’s National Economic Meeting.

The meeting chaired by the Minister of Finance Dr. Saad Ali Shire heard information about the organization of the National Economic Forum in 2023 from the technical committee involved in the preparation of the Somaliland Economic Forum “Somaliland Economic Forum 2023” which will be held in the city of Hargeisa on 14-15 October, 2023.

In the meeting of the Economic Committee of the Cabinet of Ministers and the technical committee, it was said that the issues that will be presented at this year’s Somaliland Economic Forum 2023 are six types of research studies on investment facilitation viz., trade, financial services, food security, minerals and government-owned broad-based financial resources.

Exhibitions on financial services, mining and government services will be presented at the Economic forum.

The meeting is expected to result in decisions and recommendations that will improve the various aspects of the country’s economy.


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