Ministry of Agriculture Commences Important Project for Farmers in Togdheer Region


The ministry of agriculture led by the coordinator for Togdheer region Mr.Abdirisak Abdillahi Ibrahim has been busy this week to help implement a project the agriculture ministry was working in-conjunction with FAO. The project seeks to assist 5 districts in Togdheer region.

They are Qudhac-dheer, Boodhley, Booraamo Beer and Kaba-dheere.

The five districts which are  known for farming the coordinator wants to initiate an awareness campaign of the importance of increasing crops yields in their districts. The agriculture coordinator for Togdheer regions also mobilized farmers in the districts to know the importance of this project.

The ministry of agriculture and FAO officials informed the governor of Togdheer Mr.Abdillahi (Nafaqo) of their itinerary to kick-start the project in the five districts.

The project will assist farmers with the agricultural knowledge, farm equipment and tools, seeds and fertilizers to increase crops productivity.

Governor of Togdheer welcomed the new venture and thanked the ministry of agriculture for assisting the farmers of Togdheer to increase food production and food security in the country.

Minister of Agriculture Mr.Abdikadir Iman Warsame and his deputy Miss.Yurub Abiib Abdi and the director general Mr Adam Abdillahi Sheikh Muuse have been fighting to make Somaliland a food secure country and that respect have all encouragement the increase of yields by Farmers through technological development of agricultural practices.




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