Hilaac chair calls on parliament to speed up legal requirements in elections law


By M.A. Egge

Political organization Hilaac has called on the Chairman of the House of Representatives and the members of the House of Representatives to speed up the number of sections of the election laws of the political parties and organizations taking into account the advisory directive of the National Elections Committee in the previous week.

The Electoral Commission has set the date for holding the National Friends Election on the 28th of December this year, and has urged the legislative councils to finalize the draft law for the election within the remaining period of that date.

Chairman of the Lightning Association Prof. Ahmed Ismail Samatar, who held a press conference in Hargeisa on Wednesday, first congratulated the new Speaker who was elected on Sunday this week, Prof. Yassin Haji Mohamud Faratoon.

He congratulated the new Speaker’s election and urged him to lead the council with talent and dignity.

“The new chairman of the Yassin representatives, we say that you are required to activate the rules and regulations required of the technicalities thereof  for enabling the holding of the upcoming political parties elections aptly”, he said.

He said that the parliament is required to complete the regulations as soon as possible.

He noted that it was the incumbency of the parliament to finalize the technicalities required that in the clauses of the regulations of the political parties’ elections such that the process may be without hitches.

The first issue is that as they have been issued by the Electoral Commission, you must issue the laws as soon as possible so that the Electoral activities can move forward,” Prof. said again. Ahmed Ismail Samatar, chairman of Hilaac.

The political organizations’ election to be held in time as per the timeline slated I a move that has been greatly welcomed by the organizations and friends of the nation and other stakeholders of the country’s elections.


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