Traditional leaders support NEC on elections move


By M.A. Egge

The traditional leaders of the regions and districts of the country welcomed the decision of the National Electoral Commission (NEC) to prioritize the holding o the elections.

The traditional leaders, intellectuals and contemporary leaders of Maroodi-jeh, Awdal, Gabiley, Saahil, Togdeer and Sanaag regions alike welcomed the holding of the election of political organizations, and suggested the politicians to do their best in the party elections.

The various sections of the society living in the regions and districts of the country have also welcomed the decision of the elections commission for setting the elections date.

The Somaliland Electoral Commission has announced that the union elections will be held on December 28, 2023, and the presidential election will be held on November 13, 2024, in order to find three official national parties that have a license and a 10-year period.

They also asked the legislative councils to complete the pending drafts of the electoral rules, appealed to the stakeholders of the elections to work with the commission in facilitating the elections.

The community of Somaliland has supported the decisions by the commission terming it as courageous.


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