The independence of Somaliland restores the colonial borders of the former British protectorate and does not violate the principle of utipresiditis – these former borders must be maintained – which is enshrined in the consultative act of the African Union (session in Cairo, RAU, from July 17-21 1964).

Statehood Criteria

Somaliland fulfils all criteria of statehood as set by the Montevideo convention in 1933. The state as a person of international law, must possess a permanent population, a defined territory, government, and ability to enter into relations with other states.

33 Years of Self-Sustainability

Somaliland had the capability to withstand 33 years without international recognition and with little or no external support. Somaliland fulfilled all characteristics of statehood and made achievements that are beyond belief, yet it has not been recognised by any country until now.

Elections and Democracy

Somaliland conducted subsequent elections at all levels of key government institutions, such as, Local governments, parliamentary and presidential elections with smooth transfer of power by three different presidents.

1988 Massacre

In 1988 Somaliland’s population was subjected with the most horrendous war by the ruling regime in Somalia at the time, whereby approximately 200,000 civilians of mainly women and children were massacred.

UN Overstatement on Laascaanood

The oppressed part of the Somaliland nation who were massacred in 1988 are now extremely disappointed by the UN exaggeration regarding the situation in Laascaanood.

Government Institutions in Somaliland

Nonetheless, Somaliland established all government institutions, such as civilian police force and different professional armies, judicial system, its own currency and flag.

Somalia’s Influence and International Recognition

Somalia has been actively lobbying to the international community and seeking their support on pressurising Somaliland to join Somalia.

Security Situation in Somaliland and Somalia

It is worth mentioning that while most of the people in Somalia has been living under horrific and terrifying situation for so long, Somaliland’s population continue to enjoying living in safe and stable environment.

Somaliland’s Stand on Terrorism

The terrorist that impaired the functioning of any government in Somalia, failed to operate in Somaliland soil, because of the firm principals of Somaliland’s people and its governance against terrorist.

Unacceptable Calls from Security Council

The members of the Security Council calling for the immediate withdrawal of “Somaliland” security forces from Laascaanood region or asking UNSOM to use its mandate in Somalia to intervene with the situation in Laascaanood is unacceptable.

Congratulating Somaliland

The government and people of Somaliland deserve to be congratulated for their achievements, encouraged, supported and fully recognised as a sovereign state.



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