Somaliland UK diaspora community hold demos at Downing Street against aggressive invasion


By M.A. Egge

The Somaliland Community in the UK held demonstrations in Downing Street outside the UK PM’s Office against the aggressive invasion of the country and at the same time in support of the national military defense of the nation’s integrity.

The hundreds of Somalilander diaspora community were irked by the fact that allied militia have attacked the country’s democratic progress and general economic development by causing subversive anarchy, aggression and instability.

The demos which was beamed live by Horn Cable TV was depicting that the nationhood of Somaliland was under attack and the diaspora community stood by their country.

One of the demonstrators at the scene said they were supporting the National Army which has been defending the country successfully against the attacks while heeding the unilateral ceasefire by the government, which was however flouted repeatedly by the invaders.

The demonstrators said that they were picketing peacefully to express their support and prayer for the bravery of their servicemen and women back at home.

They lamented that the peaceful stability the country cherished for the past three decades was being attacked and that they asked the international community to take note.

They called for the return of peaceful order and asked Las Anod  and Sool residents to reciprocated the gesture and let stability prevail.


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