The government declares an unconditional ceasefire in Lasaanood


Calls for opting to dialogue in addressing the conflicts

By M.A. Egge

The government of Somaliland has announced that it declaring and is implementing an unconditional ceasefire unilaterally with immediate effect starting the night of Friday 10/11 February and opted for a dialogue to address the Lasanood skirmishes.

The committee of cabinet ministers charged with the task of Lasaanood issue held a press conference at Ainabo in Saaar region made it clear that the government is ready to resolve any concerns, complaints and disputes through dialogue at any time, and anywhere.

The Minister of Interior who heads the cabinet team Hon. Mohamed Kahin Ahmed, expressed dismay on what had happened in Lasanood and consoled the victims and their next of kin for both the casualties and fatalities sustained.

Present at the presser were the ministers of Information, Defence and livestock development.

Minister Kahin gave a recap of the chronology of events that underscored the wish and intention of the government to have the initial skirmishes and associated Lasanood political quagmire to be dealt with and resolved through dialogue.

He pointed out that the government had appointed nine ministers, (four ministers who are currently sitting at the press meeting and five more engaged elsewhere) had tried to address the matter before it deteriorated.

He recalled that several meetings were held with the elders, intellectuals and esteemed members of the society in the region, a selected group numbering 33, underpinning the need of resolving issues through dialogue and in a peaceful scenario.

Hon Kahin also said that the President himself met in his office with elders, intellectuals and politicians in the region to discuss the issue, and it was agreed that security should be strengthened and dialogue should be held.

He noted that the Head of State had declared before the need to address all matters pertaining to the region through dialogue.

It is thus, “The stand of the government of Somaliland, its president, its assemblies are standing by is the decision they have taken tonight on the situation in Lasanood, which will be relayed by the information minister who is the government spokesperson”, said minister Kahin.

Minister of Information Hon. Suleiman Yusuf Ali Koore likewise consoled all the affected by the skirmishes in the region across the board’

He said that most often than not omens took their cue.

Minister Koore said, “Given consultations within the government, I hereby speak on behalf of the president, the government and the committee of ministers appointed by the President assigned to the issue of Lasanood that the government immediately calls for an unconditional ceasefire unilaterally.

“The government has called for an unconditional ceasefire effective tonight”, Minister Kore declared.

He said that he hoped the forces on the other would follow the cue and do the same hence underpinning the fact the state has opted for addressing the issues of conflict through dialogue and that “the government is ready for the dialogues any time anywhere”.

Minister Koore said that problematic issues are best nipped in the bud before they convolute out of proportion hence underscored the importance of having the dialogue option.

“The government is ready to come to the negotiating table and stop fighting”, he said.


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