There must be an unconditional cessation of the fighting, say Somaliland traditional leaders


By M.A. Egge

The traditional leaders of the country called for the immediate cessation of the fighting that is going on in Lasanood.

They at the same time appealed to the members of the public for the de-escalation of the feud by toning down on the rhetoric that is awash in the public media.

They said that more damage should be curtailed by curbing inflammatory rhetoric.

The plea of the traditional leaders from diverse clans of the country was contained in a press release in Hargeisa on Wednesday following a meeting that lasted several hours.

Their resolutions were as follows;

  1. They sent their condolences to all the families of all those who died in the battles in Lasanood and similarly consoled the injured and prayed for the restoration of peace and return of those who were displaced.
  2. They called on both sides of the war in Lasaanod to stop the shooting and the fighting unconditionally.
  3. They called on both parties to come to the discussion table and resolve the dispute through dialogue.
  4. They declared that the traditional leaders’ fraternity of Somaliland is ready to seek peace from the conflict with Lasaanood at all costs.

Sultan Abdirahman Jama Dhawal, who spoke on behalf of the leaders, called for the heeding of their call.

He warned the members of the public to stop being catalysts by spewing inflammatory rhetoric on both mainstream and social media, and instead exercise restraint and conciliatory tones to perpetuate brethren-ship.

The Sultan’s call comes at a time when the government of Somaliland called for a peaceful end to the situation in Lasaanood.


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