Taiwan announces scholarships for Somaliland students


Somaliland students may apply for Taiwan Scholarship beginning as from February

The Taiwan Representative Office in Somaliland announced on Thursday (Jan. 26) that Somaliland students can soon apply for the 2023 Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) Taiwan Scholarship.

The office will coordinate with relevant Somaliland ministries and commissions to recommend outstanding Somaliland students to Taiwanese universities through a “transparent and fair mechanism.”

A monthly stipend of NT$25,000 (US$835) will be given to scholarship recipients for the Language Enrichment Program (LEP), while NT$30,000 will be given to those in degree programs. MOFA will also provide recipients with one-way, direct plane tickets to and from Taiwan, according to a Taiwan representative office press release.

Applicants must be a Somaliland citizen and a high school graduate or above with an excellent academic record and no criminal record. They also must not have attended educational institutions in Taiwan at the same level of degree or LEP they intend to apply for.

Additionally, those who have had a scholarship revoked by the Taiwan government agency or other relevant institutions are not allowed to apply.

The application period will last from Feb. 1 to March 31.

Taiwan-Somaliland relations have been increasingly warm since both countries mutually opened representative offices in 2020.


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