Water minister lays foundation stone for water reservoir excavation at Bandarwanag


By M.A. Egge

A water dam was built in the area of Bandarwanag

The Minister of Water Resources Development Hon. Ali Hassan Mohamed laid the foundation stone of a new water dam being implemented by the ministry of Water in the Bandarwanag area of Sabawanag District.

Minister Ali who spoke on the occasion of the foundation-stone laying said that the Ministry of Water is excavating a large water dam that will be useful in Sabawanag district.

He said that the funds for the project is at hand.

Hon. Ali revealed that the President personally directed that Bandarwanaag be one of the two dams being sponsored by the European Union, the other being that to be dug at Da’arbuduq.

Minister Ali said that many projects that have been provided in the budget have been implemented in Sabawanag District, which has already a dam that is currently being serving the residents.

He disclosed that the 2023 budget includes a borehole well that will be drilled in Sabawanag. He said that there are forty water projects underway in the country which are as a result of the policy of President Muse who prioritized access to water for the community.

Adviser to the President Mr. Ali Waran’ade, who spoke at the forum, praised the efforts of the Ministry of Water.

He lauded the local community on how they safeguard and maintain security while reminding the audience that without peaceful stability there would be no safe life.

He said that the community will be able to access fresh water instead of the salty one they have now.

An officer of the National Army who spoke at the function said that there is a military training school in the area that presently consumes water that is brought all the way from Jalelo, and now there was hope that tapped water from the reservoir would be available to them henceforth.

The local elders welcomed the government’s actions and support the development of the country. They too urged for the safeguarding of peaceful stability in the country.


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