Foreign Ministry’s press release to International Community


the government of the Republic of Somaliland reinstated to the International Community that its peace and Stability is home grown and inviolable Ultimately the Constitutional rights of our citizens are paramount.

furthermore, it is worth noting that the current government is a democratically elected one through free and fair elections.



as per the last cabinet meeting the government is adhering to all election timelines set by national electoral Commission.
the government is urging the opposition parties to follow the law, the constitution, the electoral  process and to desist from any action  that could incite political unrest or violence. this would jeopardize somaliland’s long term efforts to democratize and construct Institutions.

finally, the government of the Republic of Somaliland is urging all of its law-binding citizens to cooperate with law enforcement agencies in order to preserve the nation’s priceless peace and security.


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