President Graces State Funeral of Famous Poet Hadraawi


THT- The Head of State H.E. Musa Bihi Abdi attended a state funeral for renowned poet the late Mohamed Ibrahim Warsame (Hadraawi) who passed on in Hargeisa. The president prayed to Almighty Allah to have mercy on him eternal peace and to grant his immediate kin and extended families patience and faith at this trying juncture of their lives.

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The poet was laid to rest at Baqiic Cemetery north of capital, Hargeisa.

The President was accompanied by the vice president H.E. Abdirahman Abdillahi Ismael Sayli’i,

The speaker  of the senate Hon. Suleiman Mohamoud Adam, members of the cabinet and a delegation from Djibouti.

The funeral brought mourners from far and wide. There were politicians, musicians and thousands of Somaliland populace who came to mourn poet Hadraawi.

Some famous poets eulogized the late Hadraawi as man of the people.

Amongst them were Mr. Saeed Salah Ahmed, Mr. Mohamed Adam Da’ar, and Mr. Hassan Haji Abdillahi (Hassan-Ganey).

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Members of the cabinet who graced the funeral are the minister of internal security Hon. Mohamed Kaahin Ahmed, minister of water resources hon. Ali Mohamed Hassan (Ali-Marehan), minister of health Hon. Hassan Mohamed Ali (Gaafaadhi), minister of religious affairs Hon. Sheikh Abdirizak Albany and minister of energy and mineral resources Hon. Abdillahi Farah Abdi.

They all concurred the pivotal role the late poet Hadraawi played in enriching the Somali culture.

A delegation from Djibouti and the zone five region of Ethiopia pray to The Almighty All Powerful Allah to rest the soul of the late poet Hadraawi to peace and grant him the access to the highest abode in paradise.


The chairman of the House of Elders Hon. Suleiman Noor prayed to Almighty Allah to give patience and faith to the people of Somaliland for the loss of a great son of the land.


The president stated that the late poet Hadraawi was a walking dictionary of the Somali language. He said that his work would be forever cherished by all Somali speaking people.


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