MOFD extends awards to the 31 best taxpayers of 2021


THT-At a highly organized ceremony, the Ministry of Finance Development of the Republic of Somaliland awarded honorary certificates to 31 taxpayers who are recognized as the best taxpayers of this year.

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The awardees, who are from various levels and sectors, were selected from across the regions and districts of the country in accordance with the requirements and procedures of the Ministry’s general rule of domestic revenue.

The annual event was first launched last year with the aim to honor and encourage the taxpayers who have fully fulfilled their tax obligations and create models for other citizens who are prospect taxpayers.

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Telesom & SOMPOWER is among the companies recognized best taxpayer of 2021 and given awards.

Similarly, The Director General of the Ministry of Finance Mr. Mohamed Abdi   Gurhan who opened a three-day consultative meeting in an operationalization of fiscal decentralization action plan, local government budget consultations and semi-annual budget review with government/sector ministries. UN JPLG, All Inter-ministerial and Technical Working Group JPLG Ministries, Champion Office, JPLG Districts and Other Stakeholders are attended.

This is annual meeting of all UNJPLG, JPLG Districts, and Sector Ministries of JPLG review are discussed on topics related to Fiscal Decentralization and set action plan as well as road map for the upcoming years. Local Government Budget Consultations and Semi-annual Budget Review with Government/Sector Ministries will be very important milestone in this meeting. Key questions to be discussed during the meeting include:

How the Fiscal Decentralization strategy and action plan affected Local Government, structures, functions, revenues, expenditures, and Intergovernmental Fiscal relations?

What actions should be taken to shift sector Ministries fiscal responsibilities for expenditures and/or revenues to Local Government.

The expected Outcome is Fiscal Decentralization Progress, Lessons learned, and challenges, include if PFM and Related Laws are well informed to the stakeholder

New Opportunities and challenges are shared. Agreed action points and way forward



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