Somaliland Industrial Products fair kicks-off in the city


THT-The country’s industrial production fair started yesterday in Hargeisa where by, “Preferring our industries to foreigners” was the motto this year.

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The opening ceremony of the fair yearly held the country was attended by Ministers, Members of Parliament, and Foreign Diplomats in the country, citizens and a number of local industrialists who presented their products.



The speeches made by the participating leaders included;

“Tax exemptions for industries and access to land will help increase productivity”, Minister of Trade and Tourism Hon. Mohamud Hassan Sa’ad (Saajin).


“We have included in the budget funds for investment in the industrial zone of our cities”, Minister of Finance Hon Dr Sa’ad Ali Shire.


“It is an honor and a privilege for us to buy locally made goods”, said Minister of Investment and Industry Hon Abdillahi A. Aare.




Somaliland’s industries ought to have their products to be cheaper than imported goods: Hargeisa Mayor Cllr. Abdikarin A. Mooge.


“Today we have food testing equipments, while those for medical techniques are coming”, noted Chairman of the Quality Assurance Agency  Muse H. Haji Yusuf.


“Traders did not create inflation”, quipped Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce Jamal Aideed Ibrahim.


Taiwanese diplomats in a speech praised the country’s products and pledged co-operation.


The idea of the manufacturing industry came from the diaspora who returned to the country, according to Chairman of the Somaliland Industrialists Association Mohamed Sheikh Omar



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The fair lasting six days is expected to see a lot of purchases of many of the locally made products to be made, thus a plus in support for the country’s industrialization.


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