President names Steering Committee for National Insurance Policy


THT-The President H.E. Musa Bihi Abdi has named a steering committee charged with the task of overseeing the National Insurance Policy.

This move follows a hue and cry over arbitrary vehicles insurance directives given to vehicles entering or leaving the Berbera Port harbor given by the National Insurance Commission.

Demonstration that resulted over the order rocked the port transport operations hence pitted the treasury against the commission.

The cabinet meeting held over the week resolved the formation of the committee that was named on Saturday 18th Sept, 20211, through a Presidential decree.

The 7 member committee lead by the Finance Minister Hon. Sa’ad Ali Shire has a members:

2- Central Bank Governor- Eng Ali abdillahi Dahir;

3- Insurance Commission Chair Sulaiman Awad Ali;

4- Solla Chairman Mohamed Nur Dualeh

5- Chairman of Chamber of Commerce Jamal Aidid,

6- Insurgencies Societies Umbrella Mohamoud Nur Dualeh

7- Religion & Endowment Ministry Abdirahman Mohamed Ali.

By M.A. Egge


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