Police chief happy that organized crime is down


THT-Brigadier General Mohamed Aden Saqadi has stated that the organized crimes and the endemic problem of thieves in the country has been contained and managed by the grace of God and the efforts of the army and the police in general.

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Speaking on the occasion of the 33rd graduation from Lihle Somaliland Police Academy at Mandera he hailed the progress made by the Police Force. Commander Mohamed said that many efforts have been made to bring new blood to the force, and that cooperation between the police and the public has been strengthened (community policing) which has led to a shrinking in the cases of organized crimes.

Gen Mohamed stated that with the grace of Allah, the efforts of the police and its leaders have resulted in the eradication of the so-called marauding gangs, which have been a major problem in the society. He added that thuggery which posed major threats to women in the societies have also been about wiped out.

The Police Chief Commander Brigadier General Mohamed Aden Saqadi a.k.a. Dabagale was impressed that for the first time the whole lot who graduated never used drugs like chat or had any known indulgences with associated vices and advised the new trainees to fulfill their duties, as they were entrusted with the security matters in the nation.

May be an image of 5 people, people standing and outdoors

May be an image of one or more people, people standing and outdoors



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