Triumphant Somaliland Elections 2021, Beamed Across the World


THT-The Somaliland general civic and parliamentary elections of 2021 has won many an accolade across the globe.

As the people went to polls braving the 34/36 °C  on the 31st of May, the country was graced by high profile personalities amongst whom were eminent in the global who-is-who in Africa and EU political, legal, activism, social and media world maps.

The likes of the immediate past Sierra Leone President who left office a couple of years ago, H.E. Ernest Bai Koroma, the fourth  leader of his nation for over a decade.

The international chartered insurer and top executive in the re-insurance industry for 20 years was flanked by former deputy African Union Chairperson Mr. Mwencha amongst a horde of veteran legal experts, journalist, human right activists, top political pundits, academic dons, and diplomatic heads and representative of missions from dozens of countries.

The moment was caught by major televisions and newspapers that served hundreds of millions of viewers and readers across the whole of Africa and the world at large.

The elections whose exercise, management and processes is/was undoubtedly the best of the past seven held in the country so far, hence generated a huge interest across the region, continent and the the world.

The social media helped pep the virility to register an even wider following.

The Dailynation, Standardmedia, The Star, The People, Indian Times, Guardian, the Independent and several major media houses all from Africa, Europe and Asia alongside almost all major global associated press networks, jotted details of Somaliland’s rights to aspirations and its achievements so far.


The KTN, Citizen, Nation, ITV, BTV, SBC, DW, Aljazeera and several dozens of major TV stations also took their cue on the issue, with their crews here in the country.

Of note to be highlighted was the rallying cry of the country’s Head of State H.E. Musa Bihi Abdi, both opposition leaders Messrs. Abdirahman Abdillahi and Feisal Ali and several leaders who called for upholding and maintenance of peaceful stability.

The international observers could walk along the streets, without being guarded, with kudos going to the members of the public, as reflected by the Police Chief.

In tandem, the security apparatus had their tasks eased by a well disciplined and patriotic conduct of the citizenry.

All the scenario were beeped across the world, with initial tentative observers beaming with elation of the wonderful electioneering process happening in an ocean of volatile waves.

Many congratulatory messages streamed in from state leaders, country reps, etc.

It was a gigantic sigh of, not relief, but triumph for Somaliland as a country perfecting its newfound democratic elections while its stands to be counted boldly for its nationhood.

It went smoothly from the start, the campaigns and racing contests to the polling and counting and tallying of votes, to fruitful conclusions.

By M.A. Egge




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