Religious Lecture Held for Kalbaydh Custom’s staff


THT-Director General of the Ministry of Finance Development Mr. Mohamed Abdi Gurhan urged the revenue staff to safeguard nation wealth entrusted, during religious seminar held Kalabaydh Custom staff.

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The lecture, entitled “Safeguarding trust and Work ethics protection, Sheikh Mustafe Boos, lecturer conveyed the staff that they are responsible for the wealth of the people.

“You were entrusted wealth the nation. The word wealth Allah SW mentioned in the Qur’an eighty-six times, because its importance were repeated. Shari’a conditions that the person to whom the wealth of the nation is entrusted should have wisdom, and be protected insane person. Even the Shari’a stipulates that if a person is unable to manage his property, should be transferred a guardian.

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Sheikh Mustafe emphasized the important role of our religion in maintaining trust.

The Director General of Finance, Mr. Mohamed Abdi Gurhan, who addressed the gathering, said that since Kalabaydh customs staff work day and night, we need to deliver lectures during the month of Ramadan to their headquarters.

“To benefit much of Ramadan month, as staff work full time we have prepared a religious lectures recalling a number of thing, including how to benefit religious preaching

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The meeting was addressed by the Deputy Governor of Gebiley, the Director of Customs and the Director of the Public Relations who all urged the staff to carry out their duties public diligently.

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This lecture is a part of a wider program by the Ministry of Finance needs to develop and improve the morale and values of the revenue staff and tax protection force.

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