Ministry of Energy held Strategic Management Work-shop


THT- Hargeisa- The Minister of Energy and Minerals Jama Haji Mohamud Egal has advised the ministry officials to use the knowledge gained for the benefit of the nation, the ministry and its staff.

Image may contain: ‎4 people, ‎people standing, ‎text that says '‎Wasaaradda Tamarta iyo Macdanta والمعادن الطاقة وزارة Ministr aaradda Tamar nistry of Energy acdanta Minerals Wasaaradda Tamarta iy طاقة ota aar ist ofEr ad mart aar nis 公血 CLOSING CEREMONY OF THE MINISTERY STRATEGY TRAINING @hantijire HANTI-JIRE CONSULTING‎'‎‎‎
The Ministry of Energy has concluded a two-week training on Strategic Management for the Director General and Departmental Directors of the Ministry of Minerals and Energy.

Image may contain: ‎2 people, ‎people standing and people on stage, ‎text that says '‎la Tamarta iyo of Energy and nta als Wasaaradda Tamarta iyo Ma معادن الطل رة M a Tamar f Energy معادن Wasaa a iyo الم الط la of 金血 秀術灣 CLOSING CEREMONY OF THE MINISTERY STRATEGY TRAINING @hantijire HANTI-JIRE CONSULTING‎'‎‎‎

The Minister presented certificates to the Director General and Directors of Departments, and advised them to use the knowledge they have acquired to benefit the Nation, the Ministry and the staff.

Image may contain: 3 people, text that says 'Tan Ene CSATD TAMARTA Macdanta d Minerals Wasaaradda danta P w 血 CLOSING CEREMONY OF THE MINISTERY STRATEGY TRAINING @hantijire HANTI-JIRE ONSULTING'
The Minister and the Director General expressed their gratitude to the Hanti-jire Consulting.

Image may contain: ‎2 people, ‎people standing, ‎text that says '‎AND Wasaaradda Tamarta iyo Macdanta والمعادن مطاقة TAMARTA AIL Wasa ta Mi SESOMPLETION والمعادن 血 . CLOSING CEREMONY OF THE MINISTERY STRATEGY TRAINING @hantijire HANTI-JIRE CONSULTING‎'‎‎‎

Image may contain: 17 people, people standing, text that says '소^盒 CLOSING CEREMONY OF THE MINISTERY STRATEGY TRAINING @hantijire HANTI-JIRE CONSULTING'



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