President H.E. Musa Bihi arrives in Kenya for official visit



The President of the Republic of Somaliland, HE Muse Bihi with a large delegation him, left for a working visit to Kenya at the official invitation of the President of that country, Mr. Uhuru Kenyatta.

The President and his delegation received an official invitation from the President of Kenya, Mr. Before leaving the country, Uhuru Kenyatta explained the purpose of the trip to the media. The President of the Republic of Somaliland, Mr. Mohamud Warsame Jama, said, “This trip is aimed at strengthening and accelerating. “Diplomatic and co-operation between us and Kenya, during their stay in Kenya, they will hold meetings with their Kenyan counterparts.”

The members of Council of Minister delegation accompanying the President on his visit to Kenya include the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Prof. Yassin Haji Mohamud Hiir (Faratoon), Internal Affairs, Mr. Mohamed Kahin Ahmed, Environment and Rural Development, Ms. Shugri Haji Ismail Bandare, Health Development, Mr. Omar Ali Abdillahi and Investment Development, Mr. Mohamed Ahmed Awad.

up on reaching Kenya, President Abdi received highly welcome in Kenya, by different officials include  CS Peter Munya Ministry of Agricultutre, Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperatives, Hon Ababu-Namwamba, Chief Administrative Secretary (CAS), Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade and Somaliland Representative in Kenya Amb Bashe A. Omer

Somaliland and Kenya leaders are expected to discuss tomorrow on mutual interests, as Ministry of Kenyan Foreign Affairs stated

H.E. Muse stated Kenya visit is to foster the historic and brotherly Somaliland-Kenyan relationship. During this State visit, I will have talks with H.E. Uhuru Kenyatta, the President of the Republic of Kenya. Mutual interests of our two nations will be at the top of the agenda


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