Somaliland Parliament Completes the NEC Roster


THT-The lower house of the Somaliland bicameral parliament, the House of Representatives (HoR), approved the two remaining members which were to complete the 7-member National Electoral Commission.

The two commissioners who would represent the two national opposition partied, UCID and WADDANI, respectively, were voted on to office on majority votes Sunday.

Abdifattah Ibrahim Hassan of UCID was rejected by the same House earlier in the year because he was a member of the outgone commissioners who were reinstated as a technical sub-committee on an agreement between the government and development partners bankrolling the upcoming parliamentary and municipal elections.

Abdikarim Yassin Sheikg Dalmar was also rejected on unclear reasons earlier after he was presented to the parliament following another agreement between the government and the opposition parties in early March 2020.

Today’s nod ahead came to be after the parliament was recalled from recess to complete the Commission in order to remove the last hurdle from a possible election of the parliament before the end of the year or very early in 2021.

Elections of the two assemblies were scheduled in 2019 to happen sometime in mid-2020. That is already past and gone due to the protracted wrangling between the government and the opposition parties on a number of seemingly fickle issues each had been later shoved aside with minimum effort and justification.



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