Somaliland: Government Ends Three Months Clan Insurgency in Sanaag Region


THT-After agreement with clan sponsoring elders leading to disbandment of Haqdoon Clan Militia

Saanag the easternmost region of Somaliland is finally without any armed militias opposed to the government.

This follows the disbandment of Xaqdoon clan militia that was established in April this year by a clan in El afweine district of Saanag region.

The end to the three months clan insurgency came following intense discussions between a high powered government delegation dispatched to the region by president Muse Bihi last month and elders from the Xaqdoon militia sponsoring clan.

Xaqdoon clan militias lay down arms

The ministerial level team that has been parleying stakeholders in the area for almost a month is led by interior minister Mohamed Kahin Ahmed and includes the minister of council’s coordination Mohamed Haji Aden, Planning minister Hasan Jama Gaafadhi, Youth and Sports minister Boos Mire Mohamed, minister of justice Mustafa Mohamed Ali Bile, minister of Environment and rural development Ms. Shukri Bandare and their defense counterpart Abdiqani Mohamed Ateeye.

The Xaqdoon militia which not only laid down its arms but handed them over as well said that the move came after negotiations and subsequent agreement between their clan elders and government officials assuaged all their grievances.

Haqdoon Militia clan sponsoring elders at the meeting with Somaliland government officials

The government team has also managed to end acrimonies between the two clans resident in El Afweine district that have oft been warring resulting in displacement of persons, injuries and deaths as well as destruction to property mostly livestock which is the area’s economic mainstay.

This is the second clan based movement tgo be disbanded in the region following successful negotiations by the administration of President Muse Bihi that saw an insurgency led by renegade Somaliland army Colonel Said Arre come to a complete end.


Colonel Said Arre led militia hand over weapons to somaliland army after disbanding

By Yusuf M. Hassan


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