Calamity has once again hit the pastoralists in Sanaag region.


Following the recent heavy rainfall which happened within the past fortnight, Sanaag residents have at least lost almost all of the remaining livestock that survived the long spell of drought and famine.

At least 18 to 19 thousand sheep, goats and associated livestock have perished through heavy downpours that were accompanied with tornado.

This sad revelation was sounded by the regional governor who was forced by the situation to personally visit Siraadley location, which was the hardest hit.

He said that thousand of cadavers lay across the land at every spot that was inhabited by the pastoralists.

The governor called upon all non-governmental organizations based at Erigavo to rise up to the occasion and relieve the plight of the resident.

In fact, whatever meager the numbers of livestock left were, more damage was done as sheep, goats, camels and donkeys were reduced more sharply.

Such scenario has also been witnessed in the northern Kenya regions where Turkana, Marsabit, Moyale and Mandera has had hundreds of thousands of livestock perish similar in circumstances after servere droughts, as per reports.



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