Ethiopian Authorities release Detained HCTV Reporter



By Goth Mohamed Goth

Tog-Wajaale -A high level Ministerial delegation led by the Minister of Interior Hon Ali Mohamed Waran Adde were received by jubilant crowds soon upon their arrival at the Tog-Wajaale border crossing point accompanying them was Mr.Mukhatar Nuuh Ibrahim , Horn Cable Television reporter.

Mr. Mukhatar Nour Ibrahim, Horn Cable Television reporter was released on Friday after spending several months behind bars in Jig Jiga the regional capital after being arrested by authorities there.

Somaliland delegation secured the release after they requested President Mohamed Abdi iley of the Somali regional to pardon the detained Horn Cable Television reporter.

Somaliland and Ethiopia officials have concluded a two day joint conference in which they discussed the cross border issues and enhancing security partnership was held in the town of Jig Jiga the capital of Somali administered region.

Somaliland and Ethiopian sides during the two days joint conference discussed matters regarding strengthen the security partnership and cross border movement of people and goods through the borders of the two nations.

Hon Ali Mohamed Waran Adde, Minister of Interior speaking to the media moments after their arrival in Tog wajaale said, “We have agreed to work together in a bid to deal with those threatening the security of both nation and issues concerning cross border movement.

“The relationship between Somaliland and Ethiopia is based on people to people relationship and the free movement of people and trade as well as safe guarding and securing the security of the two countries must be priority number one for both countries. It must be enhanced and maintained at all the time,” he added.



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