Hagletosiye Lays Foundation Stone for a New Psychiatric Hospital in Salahlay


Somaliland Minister of Health Hon SalebanEssa Ahmed (Haglotosiye) and members of Gaaroodi Women Development Association (GWDA) locally known as HablahaGaaroodi today laid the foundation stone for a new Psychiatric Hospital in Qalah, Salahlay district in MaroodiJeh region. Hon SalebanEssa Ahmed (Haglotosiye) speaking during the event said, “Despite, mental illness being a treatable disorder, more than half of people diagnosed with schizophrenia are unable to access adequate treatment. Around 90% of people with the condition who go untreated live in the developing world. The Health Minister added, “Mental health illness also debilitating disease which is costly and expensive to treat, especially in poor countries such as Somaliland that lack adequate healthcare system. Hon SalebanEssa Ahmed (Haglotosiye) pledged to provide assistance to the new Psychiatric Hospital; He further stressed that health has been flagged as priority sector by the current government and concerted efforts are under way to open new health centers in far-off and remote areas of the country a bid to improve healthcare sys
tem. Mr. Ali Sanyare , the chairman of Salahlay/Hargeisa road construction committee praised the members women’s self-help group for their contributions towards the community development. “Gaaroodi Women Development Association (GWDA) recognized the dire need of health facility in Salahlay district which prompted the group to come up with the necessary funds for this much needed health and maternity hospital project idea. With the support of their allfemale members from different countries around the world; they raised the full project costs ($100,000.00) among themselves without wasting valuable time on endless expectations for help from outside! As a result, GWDA represents a real example of a true teamwork”, Mr. Sanyare cited. Ms. Anab representing the “Gaaroodi Women Development Association (GWDA) speaking during the function said, “ Today we dedicated the new Psychiatric Hospital to the people of Salahlay district and we hope in the future the government will appoint psychiatrists and counselors to run these institution so as to ensure that none with mental illness goes without medical care .


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