$300,000 in a Tentative Fund Raising event for Cardiac Surgical unit of Children Hospital


A fund rising function tonight meant to support the Mohamed Aden Sheik Children’s Medical Hospital offers a comprehensive internship program in child clinical and pediatric psychology to pre-doctoral students in psychology, and also act as national institution committed to initiating breakthrough improvements in the safety, quality, and affordability of health care for all Somalilanders.

The first lady Amina Sheik Mohamed Jirde speaking during the fundraising event said, “Mohamed Aden Sheik Children’s Medical teaching Hospital is a special institute because it’s the only pediatric hospital in the country which offers specialized health care similar to those which western hemisphere counties to more than17280 children each year for free without charging them anything whatsoever and apart from that the Hospital provide vital health services for free to the society but will also act as a learning institution where medical trainees will acquire skills.

“I am so happy to see fellow citizens contributing to such a noble cause and raising nearly $300,000 dollars in a single night proves that the people of Somaliland are not only generous but also special”, the First Lady said.

The First lady added, “I would like to thank all those who have contribute towards the construction and commissioning of a surgical block with an Intensive Care Unity and a Cardiac Surgical unit where Italian cardiac surgeons can operate here in Hargeisa for correction of minor congenital heart disease.

Lastly the first lady on behalf of fellow citizens thanked the children hospital foreign and local staff for the services they provide urging to keep up the good work.

The Minister of Health Dr. Saleban Essa Ahmed “Haglatosiye” speaking during the event said the Mohamed Aden Sheik Children’s Medical Hospital stated:-

The main developments planned for the future of the project are the opening of a Mother and Child Medical Center, the construction and commissioning of a surgical block with an Intensive Care Unity and a Cardiac Surgical unit where Italian cardiac surgeons can operate here in Hargeisa for correction of minor congenital heart disease.

This expansion of the hospital would provide a very useful service for the people of Somaliland and the surrounding areas.

This region ranking as one of the highest in infant mortality, our hopes and goals are that this hospital will contribute to the reduction of that figure in Somaliland.

Supporting children suffering from Congenital Heart Disease Congenital heart defects are the most common type of birth defect. They affect 8 out of every 1000 new born.

Each year, many Somali children are born with congenital heart defects, and of these most hardly each adulthood as a result of mortally arising from the complications of the heart defect. However some of these defects can be easily treated like closing the hole in the walls or the heart chambers.

The outlook for a child which has a congenital heart defect is much better today than in the past.

Advanced diagnostic tests facilitate the early diagnoses and treatment resulting in most children with heart defects surviving to adulthood. This means to have productive lives within their society where they can contribute to the development of Somaliland.

Eight months ago MASCTH has screened 50 cardiac disease children, 22 of them were diagnosed to be in urgent need of surgical correction fo the defects. Of these 22 the First two children have been taken to Regina Margarita children Hospital Turin in Italy where they had been surgery with a successful outcome.

The second group (three Children) will leave at the end of this month, and we still have another 15 children in the waiting list. Unfortunately two of them had passed away while waiting to be taken to Italy for surgical correction. It is of paramount importance, that this project of Somali Cardiac Children’s Care, is followed with compassion, togetherness as a nation and vigilance to heal their broken hearts and build a brighter future for the children of this country.

(children’s names)

Muhiim and Mahad


MAS – CTH opened on January 29, 2013, exactly one year after the start of the construction, a few days after the completion of the first batch of 800 square meters.

In the first three months of activity children were treated exclusively by outpatient visits and short hospitalizations.

From June with the new team of nurses and simultaneously with the completion of the second batch of 1000 square meters long term hospitalization was also provided also.

Final data 2013

Total number of children admitted          10.804

Number of children visited in triage         17.800

Number of children visited in OPD           13.540

Number of children admitted in ward     527

Data 2014

Total number of children admitted          7.407

Number of children visited in triage         13.680

Number of children visited in OPD           11.774

Number of children visited in Day Hospital           575

Number of children admitted in ward     476

Average monthly of children admitted in ward is 53 with 3 days of average length of stay.



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